Hello all,
Soooo..this week has been..interesting. I'm being transferred! We got a transfer text Wednesday with a list of all the missionaries who were leaving the zone..and my name was on it. That was kind of a shock! We just found out today where I'm going..Fond Du Lac! Wherever the heck that is :) My comp Hermana Cazares is training here in Manitowoc. I know she'll be a great trainer. :) It was one of the hardest things I've ever experienced going over to the Estradas and telling them I'm being transferred. All of the kids started bawling. Isabel held on to me and kept saying, "Don't leave me" ah It was so hard. Then Jenni started crying and I lost it. It feels almost like I'm leaving my family again. I'm going to miss them so much. I'm very grateful that I can leave them with a missionary I trust though. Bishop made me say the closing prayer for the last hour of church and of course I bawled like a baby. I'm going to miss these people so much. When thinking about transfers and what scripture I could share, I was thinking about the story in the Book of Mormon about when King Lamoni's father is taught the gospel.. He asks about Ammon, and why he didn't come with the missionaries to teach him. Aaron says in Alma 21:4, "Behold, the Spirit of the Lord has called him another way; he has gone to the land of Ishmael, to teach the people of Lamoni." That's kinda my perspective on transfers. The Spirit of the Lord calls you another way. You know? It's really hard to leave, but I know that this is what the Lord wants me to do. One of my good friends this past week in an email said in regards to fulfilling the Lord's will,"When he says "jump" ask "how high?" on the way up." I love it. Other than transfers this past week we had Thanksgiving over at the Estradas. She fed us so. Much. Food. She made cranberry salsa for heaven's sakes. So good. We've been talking with one our neighbors lately, and her name is Tracy. Her son plays basketball for UW Manitowoc, and she introduced us to him. He's 6'6". Holy Moses. She's the sweetest human being though. She had us over for pizza yesterday, and we had about an hour long discussion about life and the role that God plays in it. It was pretty dang cool. She kind of clears up all of the rumors about us that circulate around the apartment complex so that's pretty nice. She's got our back so she defended our name :) Anyway. Thank you so much for your prayers and your support. I don't think I'd be able to do this without you guys. I love you!! :) Have a great week!
Hurrah For Israel!
-Sister Peterson
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