Monday, December 21, 2015

Fond du Lac

December 7

Hello Family,
This week has been probably one of the longest weeks of my life. Saying goodbye to the people in Manitowoc was rough. It was so hard, because every time I would drive away from someone's house after saying goodbye, I couldn't help but cry because it hurt me so deeply. But, I know that transfers happen for a reason, and that the Lord has a plan for me and my mission. :) One huge miracle this week is that..Xavier committed to a baptism date!! :D :D :D We never really got the chance to extend a date to him while I was serving in Manitowoc, because he almost dropped us like 4 times..but the sisters set a date with him finally! Hopefully President Cutler will let me go back for the baptism. :) Fingers crossed. :)  I met my new comp, Sister Jenson on Tuesday. :) she's super nice. She's been out for three months, and she's from Idaho! funny how all of my companions so far have been from Idaho. The ward here in Fond Du Lac is super nice. The people are sooo missionary minded. We had about 5 different families ask if we could come over and watch the devotional with them last night :) I love you guys. I'm so grateful to be serving out here in Wisconsin. :) Have a great week!
-Sister Peterson
Hurrah for Israel!

December 14
Family!!! :)
This week was pretty crazy busy. We've had back to back appointments basically all week. On top of it all, I've picked up a pretty nasty cold so that's not super fun. The hardest thing this week has been to pull myself out of bed and work hard even though my body is being dumb and sick but it's been worth it. :) The transition here has been a little…strange, there's a lot to get used to, but it's been awesome. First thing last Monday, we went to a German Christmas..thing...I'm not sure what it's technically called, but it was basically just a bunch of vendors who had their stuff set up inside of a heated tent. :) It was awesome. We handed out a bunch of cards, and a book of mormon!! People were so open to talking with us. It was super cool. my favorite part of it was this German vendor who was selling his carvings. They were sooooo gorgeous. He hand carved all of it! I wish I could have taken a picture to send of all of it. I couldn't even believe it. We're super blessed to work really closely with the Elders here in Fond Du Lac, and earlier this week I was kind of just struggling and needed some guidance as to what the Lord's will is for me here. So I asked if they could give me a blessing, and Elder Godfrey gave it for me. He told me that as long as I work hard, and do my best, the Lord will take care of the rest. It was super duper cool. Another cool thing happened this week! So we were tracting, and I felt really strongly impressed to knock on this one door. We tried knocking and they weren't home. So we kept walking to the next house, and I noticed this letter that was stamped and addressed on the ground! I picked it up to check the address, and that little bit of time it took for me to bend down, pick it up, and look at it set just the right timing for us to be there when the lady who wasn't home..drove up! So we asked her if she knew where the house was that was on the letter, and we talked with her for a little bit. She was super open and receptive and everything, and we were able to give her a card with a link to the new Christmas video on it. :) It was awesome. Then we had our ward's Christmas party this past week, and it went super well. A lot of our investigators came, and they even served funeral potatoes! So that's always a plus. :) It's been a pretty good week this week. I'm extremely blessed to be serving here in Fond Du Lac. :)
-Sister Peterson
Hurrah for Israel! :) 

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