Monday, November 23, 2015

November letters from Hannah

November 2, 2015

Hey Family,
Sooooo this week has been pretty great. :) We started off the week celebrating Giovanni's birthday with the Estrada family! It was so cute because they were having a special family dinner for him, and we were the only people they invited to have dinner with them on his birthday. :) Of course we got him birthday presents! I got him a Donatello teenage mutant ninja turtle pack thing and he opened it up right away.  Our ward had a Halloween Trunk or Treat Party this week, and it was such an awesome opportunity to invite investigators and less actives. :) Two of our investigators, and a less active member came and it was so fun. :) As missionaries, we're not allowed to wear special costumes or really dress up for Halloween, so Hermana Cazares and I decided to use what we had clothes wise, and we just went as MIB..Missionaries in Black. Yeah we're dorky I know
but here's a picture with us and Xavier and one of the kids in our ward who was dressed as an ATM.  It was a pretty awesome experience. :) Other than that, it's been a good week. :) We were finally able to teach one of our investigators the Restoration, and it went super well!! She loved everything we taught her, and she said that in the future, if she receives her answer from God, that she'll want to be baptized. :) So that was pretty dang awesome. :) We went out and contacted a ton of the referrals that we've received, and it's been such a blessing to see so many people accepting the gospel in their lives. We had to teach Gospel Principles last minute on Sunday, and it was hard to throw the lesson together, but in the end I was really grateful we were able to teach it. The lesson we taught was about the roles and responsibilities each member of a family has. Of course I got emotional, cause it's super hard to be away from my own family. One of the recent converts in our ward, Ruby, after I expressed how hard it was to be away from my family, reminded me that even though I'm away from my eternal family, that I still have a ward family here in Manitowoc. That was an amazing reminder. I love this area, and I especially love these people. I'm so blessed to be serving here. A scripture that I wanted to share this week is Alma 26:27-28. Even though I don't have such an enormous burden as Ammon to go and preach the gospel to the mortal enemies of my people, it's not super easy being a missionary sometimes, and in fact it's very easy to get discouraged. But I like that it says that they have to rely on the mercies of God. Somedays, I get down on my knees and just pray to God that he can get me through the day, and I know he does, because there is no possible way that I could ever do this without his strength. I'm so grateful to my God for allowing me to be here in Manitowoc at this time, teaching these people with Hermana Cazares. :) We're a little worried about Isabel and Yuliana's baptism, because we're not ultimately sure if it will end up happening this week or next because of some scheduling issues, but fingers crossed it'll be this week. We're praying very hard for it to be a success. :) But I'll of course keep you all updated on how that goes. I love you! I hope you have a great week. :) Thank you so much for your prayers and for your emails and letters. They are definite strengths. :) 
-Sister Peterson
Hurrah for Israel!

November 9, 2015

Hey Mom!! :D 
It was a good week this week. We had to push Yuliana and Isabel's baptism back a week because of some scheduling conflicts, but it's all set to happen this Saturday. For sure. Hopefully. Fingers crossed! :D I'm so excited for them. We set a goal to make daily contact with them before the baptism, because Satan always works his hardest on people right before and after their baptisms. So we're trying to help them out as much as we can. :) We've been super blessed to see a lot of the ward members have a desire to be active participants in missionary work this week. Sheng, a girl in this ward who just submitted her papers, has been making a concentrated effort to come with us to a lot of our lessons, and that has been a definite blessing cause her testimony is so strong. The Walker family asked if they could have the Estradas and us over the day before the baptism for dinner and their final lesson so that was awesome. :) And another sister, Sister Ramos, asked a couple of times if she could come to lessons with us. :) This ward is so incredible. They are always so willing to help us out, and they are so accepting of the people we are working hard to bring into the ward. :) We were able to help someone move this week, and that was pretty fun. Doing service as sisters is always awesome cause it's the one opportunity we have to wear pants during the week so that was awesome. We heard about the whole media frenzy surrounding the new section in the church handbook. I think it's interesting that people are so quick to point the blame at church leadership. This is not simply a church directed by the whims and desires of men. This is the Lord's true church on the Earth. We are privileged to have prophets and apostles on the Earth today who can direct the church according to the Lord's will. I know that this new revelation we've received in this new section of the handbook comes because it is the Lord's will. The people here haven't been affected by it too much, because we're in the middle of hick town and not very many people have cell phones or even know what a mormon is except those guys in a white shirt and black pants who come and knock on their doors every so often. So, it hasn't been much of a problem for us. Thanfully. I am so grateful to be serving these people here in Wisconsin. I know this church is true. I'm so grateful for it. I hope you have a great week! I love you all!! :) 
-Sister Peterson
Hurrah for Israel!

November 16, 2015

Hi Family :) 
Thank you so much for your email this week. I definitely needed it. Like. More than you know. Jenni reminds me every time we go to her house that I need to send you more pictures. :) it's pretty funny.  Speaking of the Estradas..Isabel and Yuliana got baptized and confirmed this past week!! :D :D :D It was probably just the best thing to ever happen. Hermana Cazares and I got to speak at the baptism, and I was asked to speak about baptism. Of course I was an emotional wreck and probably unintelligible the entire time, but I was so grateful they asked me to speak. :) Of course Jenni brought enough food to feed a small army J It was great.  She's always feeding us. We pass around the meal calendar every Sunday, and this past Sunday as we were passing it around there were some open spots for the coming weeks, and she filled basically all of them up with their name. She's the best human being. The baptisms and confirmations were the highlight of the week hands down, but other than's been a pretty good week. :) We made some time to tract yesterday..which may or may not have been the best idea considering that we went right after the Packers lost to the Lions so people weren't necessarily the happiest..but still we were able to have some good conversations with people. :) A member of the ward here, Sheng just barely submitted her papers and got her temple recommend for her endowments!!  We're so excited for her. It kinda made me think back to when I was going through that same process of submitting my papers. It's a scary time. I had no idea what to expect. No idea what I was kind of getting myself into, but now that I've had these experiences, and taught these people, I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to be serving. I've been sharing this scripture a lot lately, but it sums up how I feel serving as a missionary. Alma 29:1-2 :) I hope you all have a great week :) love you!! 
-Sister Peterson
Hurrah for Israel! 

November 23, 2015

Holy Moses. This week was crazy. But super awesome. :) We FINALLY taught Xavier the Law of Chastity and the Word of Wisdom!! :D :D We were a bit afraid to teach it to him, because he struggles a lot with drinking tea, and we weren't sure if his faith was quite strong enough for him to hear about that yet. But. We told him, and when we did,.he looked like he was going to pass out. He was pretty shocked. But. He committed to stop drinking it! Cold turkey. :) He said it's worth it. That was probably one of the coolest things I've experienced on the mission thus far. Just because it was definitely a make it or break it lesson, and he exceeded our expectations. I'm so impressed with the progress that he's made. The day after we had that lesson was kinda lame.cause I got really sick.  Hermana Cazares wasn't feeling too well either, so we had to cancel most of our appointments for the day. We did venture out of the apartment once to help a less active lady who just barely got home after being in a rehab center for her hip, and Hermana Cazares almost passed out so that wasn't too good. We're feeling a lot better now thank goodness. Then we had the amazing opportunity to go to mission tour! The Appleton, Green Bay (our zone), and Wausau Zones came together to go through a bunch of trainings from President and Sister Cutler and the assistants, and Elder Schwitzer of the quorum of the seventy and his wife. :) Hermana Cazares and I were pretty lucky because before the meeting, Elder Schwitzer had a little bit of time to do some interviews with a few companionships and we both had the opportunity to be interviewed by him! He gave us both a lot of inspired insight that's definitely helped us know how to better help the people in our area. I was so blessed, because before I went to the meeting, I had a few questions that I wanted answers to, and I prayed to receive those answers, and Sister Cutler answered almost every single question I had in the training that she gave. I know that our leaders here are truly inspired, because everything that was said at mission tour was exactly what I needed to hear. :) So yep mission tour was awesome. Other than that, we cleaned a hoarders house, and we saw the Estradas almost every day this week..but that's nothing new ;) I love them. They came to church this past Sunday, and when we talked about temples in Gospel Principles, Jenni said some pretty powerful things about how she wants to be sealed in the temple someday to her family, and yeah it made me tear up a little bit. I will admit. I know I know I'm a cry baby. Then in Relief Society we were talking about being good examples for others, and she commented about how she is thankful to have us over at her house often, because are good examples for her children. I am just. I'm so grateful for the Estradas and for the love that they express for us and for the church. Anyway. :) I'm so excited for Thanksgiving this week. The holidays are just the best. It's pretty hard..I will be away from you guys because I can't really imagine the holidays being good without ya. But. There is so much to be thankful for. We've been sharing Alma 26:36-37 with people this week in preparation for the holiday, and we've been asking them what they're thankful for. It's interesting to hear people's different responses, everyone is grateful for different things. A couple of things I found myself sharing this week that I'm thankful for were for 1. My Heavenly Father and my Savior and for everything they have done for me, and for everything they have given me 2. My family. Definitely my family. 3. The church and the opportunity I have to serve a mission and to be able to try my best to help these people  4. My missionary companions who have helped me through some pretty rough stuff 5. The mountains. I'm grateful for the mountains out in good ol' Utah. I miss them so much. I'll never take them for granted again. 
Soooo....I'm a missionary and I like to commit people to doing stuff right? Well..I'd like to ask you all to find at least 5 things that you're grateful for. Every day. Not just on Thanksgiving. Write them down at the end of the day. And I can promise you that as you do that, it'll make the hard days good, and the good days better. :) Because at the end of the day, you're looking for the positive. :) I love you all. I'm so grateful for you. :) Thank you so much for your prayers and your love. :) have a great week. :)
-Sister Peterson
Hurrah for Israel!

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