Thursday, May 19, 2016

Nothing says service like shoveling a little manure

May 2

It's been a great week! :) It was Sister Stosich's birthday on Tuesday so of course it was an awesome day full of festivities :) We had district meeting out in West Bend, then we went out to the Arndt's house to do some service..(scooped manure haha) so it was an awesome day. Huge miracle this week was that we were finally able to contact a media referral we've been trying to contact for at least..2 months?  She's super nice and open so we're really excited to start teaching her! :) The only part of this week that wasn't necessarily the best was that Aaron dropped us :( He said that he just can't get past the fact that Joseph Smith was the one who was called to be a prophet to restore the church. 
He told us he doesn't want to string us along and make us believe that he's going to convert. He did thank us for reactivating his desire to come close to God, he said he hadn't touched his bible for about 3 years until we started coming over. So. I guess that's good. Hopefully he'll come around someday? We'll keep praying for him.  Yesterday was one of the most spiritual testimony meetings I've ever been a part of. It was so amazing. The spirit was so strong. I love this ward, I'm so grateful for the opportunity I had to be a part of that meeting. :) It's been an awesome week. Love you guys!
Hurrah for Israel!
-Sister Peterson

May 9

This week has been so great! :) Starting off on monday, we went fishing with the Schmidts for a p day activity. :) Sister Stosich took some pics of it, so I'll send them to ya next week :)  We didn't catch anything but it was still fun. Tuesday we had interviews and district meeting. This is the last time I'll be having interviews with President Cutler, as he's going home at the end of June. It was so good to talk with him. He looks so tired and worn out, but he just keeps moving forward. He truly cares about us so much. He asked me right off the bat how I was doing, and I don't know why but that like...broke a dam inside of my eyeballs or something haha I just started bawling! It was so embarrassing but it was good. He gave me a lot of advice and needed encouragement. :) I'm so grateful for President and Sister Cutler and everything they do for us. Later that day, we saw Angela (a media referral) and we taught her the restoration! :) She loved it. It was seriously such a great lesson. :) We're super excited to meet with her again tomorrow. :) A huge miracle this week was that we were finally able to get in to see a less active family we've been trying to work with for forever, the Ferreras. Alex is a recent convert, and the father of the family and hasn't been willing to meet with us for a while, but he was there for our discussion with them on Tuesday and got really involved. He said that this is something he wants for him and his family. :) He was there for the next appointment and participated, but didn't come to church yesterday, and didn't come down the stairs for our lesson with them yesterday. We're a little apprehensive because we want to help him as much as we can, so we're hoping he'll keep having a desire to be involved continually. Wednesday we went on exchanges and we learned a ton from our Sister Training Leaders. :) Later in the week we were able to see an older member of the ward who is in the hospice clinic of the hospital. Needless to say, she's not doing super well :( but she was so glad to see us! We came and sang for her, and she sang with us. The spirit was so strong! We were all bawling. It was so cool to be able to feel that spirit in the room. We're hoping to see her a lot more in the next couple of weeks. It was such a blessing to be able to talk to you guys yesterday.  We've been talking a lot about temples this week, and it's really led me to appreciate how blessed I am to be a part of an eternal family. My mission president always says, "eternal life is family life" and it is so true! I wouldn't be happy in the eternities if I didn't have my family. It's so nice as a missionary to have people to support you even if they're hundreds of miles away. I thank our Heavenly Father everyday for my family and for the opportunity I have to be with them for forever. :) I love this gospel! I love these people! I'm so blessed to be able to serve a mission and to help these people achieve eternal life..which is family life. Hurrah for Israel!

-Sister Peterson :) 

May 16

I can't even believe that he has his call already... time goes by so fast!
It's been a really good week this week :) Sister Stosich and I have really been trying to strengthen our finding efforts lately, especially this week. It's been hard to motivate ourselves to go out and find just because people are sometimes kind of mean, and they don't make it easy..but missionary work never has been easy. And the thing is,..It won't get easier. But that's okay!'s worth it. Really when times get rough, I have to remember why I came on a mission. I came out here to help God's children find relief from their transgressions, to find strength, true strength that the world can't provide, and help them to know and feel at least a fraction of the infinite love Heavenly Father has for them. I'm grateful for the opportunity to serve, and that has been magnified even more (if that's possible) after hearing that Josh just got his mission call to serve in Guatemala :) I know that he's going to be an amazing missionary because of the person that he is. :) I'm so grateful for the opportunity to serve, and it is such a tender mercy that I get to serve at the same time as my brother. The opportunity to serve has changed my life. I love this gospel, I love these people. I'm so grateful for my Savior who has sacrificed so much so that we can be forgiven of our sins. Hurrah for Israel!! 

-Sister Peterson :) 

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