August 24th
This week has been too awesome! Last Monday, we went with the Elders over to this recent convert's house for dinner. His name is Dustin. Dustin is an adrenaline junkie. He makes all of the Elders who are serving in the ward try his super spicy food. He's been getting them to work towards eating a dish he makes with ghost peppers. This last monday, he made a rice dish with 12 habanero peppers in it!! I could only take a couple of bites. It was too spicy. Elder Christensen and Elder Benson had like..two plates. He ordered all three of them carolina reaper peppers. If they get there today, they might be doing it today..he offered to order me one and I had to turn the offer down. Psh. I'm not that brave are you kidding me? We've had the opportunity to teach the Plan of Salvation a lot with people this week. It's been an incredible experience, especially in telling people that God loves them, and that the Savior died for them..and lives for them now. :) We had a pretty powerful lesson with Steve this past week. He came to church for 2 minutes a couple of weeks ago, and then just left! So we set another appointment with him, and we talked with him about it. He really opened up, and got very emotional as we talked about the plan of Salvation with him. The spirit was so strong, and it was really cool to see him feel it just as much as we were. :) We taught Xavier the plan of salvation as well, and he really liked learning about it! He told us he's afraid to believe that what we're saying is true, because he feels so good about it all. It's incredible to watch him progress as he keeps seeking after truth. :) We had a super powerful lesson with a less active named Nicole. We were able to finally bring a member to our lesson with her, and Nicole opened up a lot. She struggles because her husband is very adamantly atheist, and doesn't support her at all in her endeavors to teach her children about God. She was baptized a couple of years ago, but kind of got stuck on certain points in doctrine, and fell away. But she committed to coming to church this week, and she came!! For the first time in two years!! :) It was so incredible. We said goodbye to Elder Kirk this past week. He was serving out in Chilton, but went home a couple of weeks early so he could start school. So Elder Sanders came up and is now in a trio with Elder Benson and Elder Christensen. They have to drive down to Chilton for church every Sunday now, and it's really weird not having them be at church every week. I don't like it. Mostly just cause we're the only ones teaching Gospel Principles every week. But. That's alright :) The Martinez family finally moved into their new house! We helped them get some of their stuff out of their trailer, and then the next day we came over again so the Elders could give Jenni a blessing. It was so powerful. Elder Christensen was the one who gave the blessing, and in it he told her that if she endured, and applied the principles of the gospel in her home, that eventually her family would be sealed. It was so powerful. Agh I love that family so much. Isabel gave me a hug when we were leaving on Saturday, and she wouldn't let me go :) She started to cry a little bit, and said "Don't leave me Sister Peterson" Psh I'll always be around. I dunno what she's worried about. :) Yesterday we had the awesome opportunity to go and see Nina. She's a woman who struggles with MS, and doesn't really leave her apartment much. Yesterday we went and sang for her, and she told us she wants us to sing at her funeral. It was the sweetest and the saddest thing ever! :P ha It has definitely been a week of miracles. I love Manitowoc so much. I can't imagine my life without all of these people. I just love them so much. I finally finished the Book of Mormon this past week! It was quite the feat. But I'm really happy I finally did it. :) There was a verse in 3 Nephi that really stuck out to me though, and I wanted to share it. :) It's 3 Nephi 15:9. "Look unto me, and endure to the end, and ye shall live..." Powerful :) I hope you're all having a great week! Hurrah for Israel!
-Sister Peterson
August 31
This week has been the best :) seriously. That's mostly cause we got to spend a ton of time with the Martinez family :) THEY CAME TO CHURCH!! :D The Martinez's have been taught by the missionaries for 5 years, and they hadn't been to church once as a family...until yesterday. It was so awesome. Giovanni was sad after church was over. We went over to their house afterwards, and he kept asking his mom when they were going to go to church again :) We went over for dinner that night and the Elders came. :) Sister Lyons is most likely going to be transferred to a different area next week, so she's started saying goodbye to everyone. She was talking about it last night, and Jaime started to cry. He doesn't want her to leave :( It was really sad. They're all going to miss Elder Christensen so much as well. He loves those kids. His mom sent him dinosaur toys last week to give to them :) Basically the most adorable thing ever. When we were leaving their house last night, Isabel gave me a big hug and wouldn't let me go. She looked up at me and said, "Sister Peterson, I wish you were my sister so you wouldn't have to leave me." :( AWWW. I love that family too much. Jenni was saying that eventually they want to take a trip out to Utah...I sure hope so! Then maybe that will help me to convince them to eventually move out west? ;) That'd be awesome. We were able to help our investigator Erica clean out her apartment this week. She's moving to Two Rivers, and she definitely needed a lot of help cleaning. She smokes, and she has two cats and a the place was kind of a mess, but she was so grateful we were able to come over and help her. We love spending time with her, she's just the biggest sweetheart. :) It was really cool this week, because we were working in the Family History Center, and I was going through Grandma Mills' line, and one name kind of stood out to me, so I clicked on it, and a picture came up that I totally had just seen in the Ensign! Wealtha Bradford Hatch is her name. :) There is a story about her and her baptism in the Ensign. It was awesome. :) I was reading through my scriptures, and this one really stuck out this week. Alma 26:36 :) I love this scripture. I especially love the part where it says "blessed be the name of my God." One thing that I've noticed as I've been teaching, is that when we tell people the Lord loves them and that he is their father in heaven, it's new information. Crazy! The Lord has so much love for them. That's why we teach people, we want them to know that the Lord loves them, and that he has a plan for them and for their lives so that they can achieve eternal happiness. :) Yeah so missionary work is pretty cool. :) I love you all!
Hurrah for Israel!
-Sister Peterson :)
Oh my goodness, she's doing fantastic!